Here is the mathematical rationale for the proposed Max Multiplier increase to 40. Currently, there are 20 operators self staking on average slightly over 300K CXT and the total staked amount with delegation is 209.1M CXT comprising 24.42% of circulating supply.
The target is ~35% of the circulating supply or a staked amount with delegation of 297.5M CXT. With 25 BSPs to achieve the target of roughly ~35% of circulating supply staked, assuming the new operators self stake on average 300K CXT each, the Max Multiplier should be increased to 40X, in order to bring the expected total staked and delegated amount to approximately 297.5M CXT.
Additionally, an adjustment of the emitted rewards to sustain a target APY of ~11% is proposed. Based on a total staked amount of 297.5M, rewards per day should be 89,657.53 CXT or ~32.5m CXT emissions a year to achieve the ~11% APY target.
Increase Max Multiplier: The Covalent Network proposes an increase in the Max Multiplier to better accommodate the growing demand for CXT delegation. As recently as May 24, 2024, the Max Multiplier was increased to 34X. However, recognizing the rapid pace of growth and the necessity for additional capacity, the new proposal recommends increasing the Max Multiplier to 40X. This increase is crucial for ensuring that the delegation room can support the expanding network without causing bottlenecks or limiting the participation of CXT holders.
Onboarding New BSPs: To further support the network's expansion and ensure robust security, the proposal includes onboarding additional Block Specimen Producers (BSPs). Currently, there are 20 BSPs active within the network. Previous to this proposal, Covalent Network onboarded 5 new BSP operators to help secure the Ethereum Wayback Machine, bringing the total to 25. Each BSP is expected to stake an average of 300K CXT, which will significantly enhance the network's capacity and security infrastructure. By increasing the number of BSPs, Covalent can better distribute the staking load and provide more opportunities for CXT holders to delegate their tokens effectively.
All CXT token holders, including those who are staking
How to Vote:
Navigate to the Snapshot page.
Connect your Ethereum wallet on the mainnet.
Follow instructions and vote by signing a meta-transaction.
Voting weight is proportional to the amount of tokens held.
10M CXT of voting weight
2 days
Importance: These changes are crucial for ensuring the security and stability of the Ethereum Wayback Machine, addressing the Long-Term Data Availability problem with modular data infrastructure.
For more details on the design of the EWM, please refer to this video.